2 March 2020
As part of their exploration of the book ‘Stick Man’ by Julia Donaldson, Nursery children found and made their own ‘Stick Men’. They had a great time foraging for materials and creating a whole forest of stick men, here are just a few…...
24 October 2019
Every Tuesday morning at Summerbank a group is running for parents who speak English as a a second language and wish improve their own spoken and written English. By doing this they are keen to have a better understanding of the English curriculum and therefore be...
13 October 2019
On Monday 7th October we were pleased to welcome Phil Pearce from Severn Trent into our assembly. During the assembly our children learnt about how water companies make our water safe to drink and use in our homes. The children enjoyed getting involved –...
13 October 2019
We were pleased to welcome Alice from Swan Bank Church into our assembly on Monday 30th September. Alice used some rather long spoons and some rather delicious popcorn to illustrate that we can achieve more by working together. As part of this she told our children...
25 September 2019
On Friday 20th September our two Y1 classes visited Manchester Airport in the sunshine as part of their Autumn learning about ‘Our Amazing World’. The children got the chance to sit inside an aeroplane, dress up as cabin crew and explore the flight deck. ...