The Discovery Room
Below there are a range of investigations and exciting ideas for your children explore. These are a range of scientific investigations which will allow the children to think how they work scientifically and how they can discover the reason why things happen as they do.
It is really important that your children ask questions and think about the reasons and ideas behind what they are doing. Encourage them to use the vocabulary and ideas to explore and think.
Below are a range of links with access to a wide range of investigations that will allow you to discover a wide range of knowledge. Support and supervise the children as needed throughout these discoveries.
Below is a world of exciting knowledge for you to discover. You have access to an engaging and exciting range of investigations for you to explore, complete and understand the world around you.
Ask questions, use your scientific knowledge and vocabulary from within your lessons at school and have fun discovering some of the most exciting happenings within the world around you.
Get yourself ready and click on the links below to begin your discovery adventure. Ensure you ask for adult supervision where it is needed.
Good Luck Explorers!
Science at Work
Science at Work consists of weekly activity sheets about scientists and people who work in a science-related job. Children are encouraged to send in their questions to the scientist who will answer as many as they can in a video released the following week.
Key things you need to do to take part
Every Tuesday we will release an activity sheet – these can be downloaded from this page
Send your questions in and they could answered and featured in the weekly video
Submit your work and drawings to the website and your work could feature on the weekly video