Our School Lunch
Children have the choice of bringing a healthy packed lunch to school or accessing our school dinner provision. The school kitchen offers a daily choice of cooked dinners, baked potatoes and sandwiches. As parents and carers you can decide whether you would like your child to have a school dinner or whether you wish to provide them with a packed lunch, unless they are in Nursery where all children have a school dinner. In Nursery lunchtime is a learning opportunity where children can develop socially and also practise using cutlery.
School Dinners
Children in Nursery – meals cost £12.75 per week (£2.55 per day). Payment is online via ParentPay and we ask that families pay for meals in advance. Please speak to Mrs Hughes in the office if you need to set up an account.
Children in Reception, Year One and Year Two qualify for ‘Universal Free School Meals’ (UFSM) and by law this means you do not have to pay for your child to have a school dinner (no matter what your parental income). You will need to fill in a form for this (available from the school office). You can still choose to provide a packed lunch if you prefer your child not to have a school dinner.
Children in Year Three to Six – meals cost £16 per week (£3.20 per day). Payment is online via ParentPay and we ask that families pay for meals in advance. Please speak to Mrs Hughes in the office if you need to set up an account.
Free School Meals – You may be able to claim for free school meals if you are in receipt of certain benefits. Please come and speak to our office if you think you might qualify, they will be able to advise if you need to fill in a form or you can download the form yourself here and then bring it along to the Office once completed.
Packed Lunches
If you would prefer to provide your child with a lunch yourself, please make sure your child brings it with them in the morning in a labelled lunchbox/bag. Examples of what to include in a packed lunch can be found on the NHS website. Sweets, chocolates and fizzy drinks should not be included.