Our PSHE & RSE Curriculum
‘Our Curriculum Intent
Through our PSHE & RSE Curriculum we aim to support the development of our young people’s sense of identity, their capacity to relate to other people, to handle setbacks and make the most of life’s opportunities within this rapidly changing world. As part of a whole-school layered approach, we develop the qualities and attributes pupils need to thrive as individuals, family members and members of society through gaining the knowledge, understanding, attitudes and practical skills to live healthy, safe, productive and fulfilled lives – we plant a seed to grow the dream.
Our Curriculum Offer
Our scheme of work fulfils the statutory requirements for Relationships and Health Education set out by the Department for Education. It also fulfils the National Curriculum requirement to teach PSHE (‘All schools should make provision for personal, social, health and economic education ) and goes beyond the statutory requirements by referring to the PSHE Association Programme of Study (recommended by the Department for Education.) We have personalised elements of the ‘Kapow’ and ‘Jigsaw’ schemes of work to address the specific needs of the pupils of our school, broadly captured under the headings:
- Family & Relationships
- Citizenship
- Dreams & Goals
- Economic Wellbeing
- Safety
- Health, Wellbeing & the Changing Body
Our curriculum is embedded through the school via six focus PSHE days one (to begin each half term across the school year), assemblies linked to the half term theme and in class learning and reflection opportunities identified by teachers.
RSE (Relationships and Sex Education) – Parent Consultation
Some aspects of children’s learning are statutory (all schools have to teach them) and some are a choice (non-statutory) which means schools can choose not to teach them or parents can choose to withdraw their children from the session.
Statutory Learning
The National Curriculum says children in Years 5 and 6 are expected to learn about the changes that occur in the body during puberty. At Summerbank we choose to teach this as separate boys and girls lessons. Both groups will learn about the physical changes to the male and female body including menstruation, the importance of hygiene and how our emotions can be affected. Children at Summerbank come from a range of different communities and faiths and we are culturally sensitive in our teaching approach. Parents care welcome to talk further with class teachers about the content of sessions and to come into school in the Summer term to view the materials we use.
Year 5 Learning focuses on:
- understanding that my body will change as I become an adult
- understanding that different changes happen to males and females
- identifying some physical differences between child and adult bodies
- explaining ways to look after my personal hygiene
Year 6 Learning focuses on:
- understanding the process of the menstrual cycle
- explaining some changes I will go through during puberty and use the correct terminology
- knowing who I can go to for help if I need to
- understanding that puberty may change my feelings as well as my body
- understanding that everyone is different and these differences are normal
- knowing who I can talk to if I am worried about anything
Non-statutory Learning (schools can choose not to teach or parents can withdraw their child)
Our scheme of work includes two Year 6 lessons that are non-statutory. These are called ‘Conception’ and ‘Pregnancy & Birth’. As a school we are currently evaluating whether to offer these sessions as part of our PSHE and RSE curriculum and would value parents sharing their views on this as part of our evaluation. If we were to offer this learning lessons would be taught separately to boys and girls.
The Conception lesson focuses on:
- understanding the menstrual cycle
- understanding how a baby is conceived
The Pregnancy & Birth lesson focuses on:
- understanding how a baby develops in the womb during pregnancy
- identifying some of the things a baby needs
Parent Consultation on PSHE & RSE
As part of our review of the curriculum for RSE we consulted parents on their views on what they would want for their own children. Our most recent consultation ran during November 2021 and copies of the questionnaire were sent out to all families. The findings of our survey can be viewed Outcomes of parent consultation.
As a result of the consultation we will:
- be teaching puberty session as separate boys’ and girls’ session
- introducing a termly newsletter for each year group identifying teaching content for that term
- offering an option session on conception, pregnancy and birth in Y6 that parents would have to give signed consent to