Forms to download
Paper copies of all of the forms below are available from the School Office. Should you need any help or advice when completing a form please come in and see us and we will be happy to help.
Consent for Medication – this form need to be completed if your child needs to take medication during the school day. Once completed it should be brought along to the school office along with the medication to ensure your child’s medication can be kept securely and administered correctly.
Inhaler Consent – if your child is diagnosed with asthma then they will need to keep appropriate inhalers in school to access when required during the school day. Please ensure that you have completed this form to give your consent.
Free School Meal Application – use this form to register for Universal Infant Free School if your child is in Reception, Year One or Year Two. The same form is also used to apply for Free School Meals for Children in Nursery, Year Three, Year Four, Year Five and year Six. Once completed the form should be returned to the School Office.