School Performance
The overall performance of a school is based on how well children achieve (in progress and attainment) at the end of their schooling. As a result the data below is related to achievement by children in Year 6.
The KS2 SATs papers are National tests taken by children at the end of Year 6 (when they are 10-11 years old) by all children in England. These tests are in Reading, Spelling, Punctuation & Grammar and Mathematics. Children’s Writing is assessed through Teacher Assessment based on a range of the work they complete during their final year at primary school, Science is also assessed via Teacher Assessment as a result of performance during KS2.
We are always very proud of all our pupils who, when taking their tests always demonstrate huge amounts of commitment and maturity and try their very best during test week. SATs results do provide helpful information on how your child is progressing in the core subjects, however they do not assess everything that a child is capable of and they are not a measure of what makes each child special and unique.
School Results 2022-2023: Attainment (provisional – data will be finalised during the Autumn term 2023)
Children did not take the SATs in 2020 and 2021 due to the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic. Test were reintroduced in the academic year 2021-2022 although these results were not published nationally. Results from 2022-2023 will be published nationally .
In the past children were given ‘levels’ to demonstrate their attainment, this is nolonger the case. Now a score of 100 or more indicates they are reaching the expected standard, 110 or above they are exceeding the standard, 99 of less means they are below the expected standard.
Percentage of children meeting the expected standard | Percentage of children meeting the higher standard | Average scaled point score | |
Reading | 81% (National Average 73%) | 30% (National Average not yet confirmed) | 106 |
Writing | 72% (National Average 72%) | 3% (National Average not yet confirmed) | Not applicable |
Mathematics | 90% (National Average 73%) | 31% (National Average not yet confirmed) | 107 |
Combined (meeting the standard in R, W & M) | 71% (National Average 59%) | 3% (National Average not yet confirmed) | Not applicable |
Spelling, Punctuation & Grammar | 85% (National Average 72%) | 49% (National Average not yet confirmed) | 108 |
School Results 2022-2023: Progress (provisional – data will be finalised during the Autumn term 2023)
Progress scores reflect how much progress children have made from their KS1 SATs to their KS2 SATs. The School’s progress scores are calculated by finding the progress made by each pupil in each subject, then averaged to find the overall progress of the year group. These scores give an indication of whether, as a group, pupils in the school made above or below average progress in a subject compared with pupils with similar starting points in other schools.
Reading | Writing | Mathematics | |
Progress Score | +2.71 | -0.61 | +4.35 |
School Performance Tables
To compare the performance of the school, go to the Government website