Welcome to our Remote Learning area

This part of the website has been created to help you if you need to stay at home to isolate because of COVID-19 then we want to support you in being able to keep learning ready for when you come back and join us in school.

If your class is closed, then new learning tasks will be placed on your year group’s ‘Learn At Home’ page.  You will need to work through these at home – if you get stuck then please contact your teacher through a Purple Mash email, by your parents using Class Dojo or phoning/emailing the school office.

Children in Y1-Y6 will need to use your logins to go to the work set just for you on the different websites we use in school – the links are at the top of your year group page.

We look forward to hearing about your learning adventures when we see you back in school.

Use the Children’s menu or the links below to go to your page.