On the 21st September our Eco Committee from 22/23 visited Crewe Green Sunflowers in Haslington. We had such an amazing time.

Our host Alex, one of the farmers, was very passionate about what they do and really valued the work of our eco committee. She told us all about how farmers are working hard to make positive changes to make their impact on the planet greener.

We explored the sunflower, maze and sweetcorn fields.  Alex explained how growing the sunflowers attracts lots of pollinators such as bees to the crop fields which allows them to have a better crop yield using less fertilisers. She also explained lots of predator bugs like ladybirds are attracted by the sunflowers which help to reduce the amount of pests that damage crops. This helps reduce the amount of pesticides which need to be used to protect the crops. Once the sunflowers die, they are left so the seeds can feed to birds.

After learning about the sunflowers we learnt about the maze and the sweetcorn.  There is a difference! Maze and sweetcorn look the same but maze is for feeding cattle as it is full of starch and sweetcorn has much more sugar in it which is why we call it sweetcorn and it is yummy to eat! We learnt how maze and sweetcorn and self pollinating and the little hairs that come out of the top of the corn are connected to each of the kernels ( each piece of yellow corn).  We got to pick our own sweetcorn to take home and cook for our tea.

After exploring the wild flower beds which also attract bees and many other insects as well as providing natural fertilisers by putting important minerals back into the soil and looking at the natural habitats the farm provides and protects for the wildlife ( woodland, ponds, fields and flower corridors) we then went on to meet some of the animals on the farm.  The maze and the sunflowers are grown to provide food for the cattle in the winter months.

On the way we had a look at the pumpkin patch, the children loved hunting for pumpkins, small and large.

The cows were really friendly and the committee enjoyed feeding them and naming them.

We had a super time and Alex described the team as polite and very good at asking interesting questions. Well done Eco Team!